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Yosef Lee: Lawyer and MultiFamily Apartment Syndicator

Andrew Jarrett

8 Jul 2022
Yosef Lee: Lawyer and MultiFamily Apartment SyndicatorAndrew Jarrett
00:00 / 33:35
Believer, Father, Lawyer, Multifamily Apartment Syndicator and Investor, People connector, Status-quo hater, Strategic planner/Action taker, Pilates studio owner, Entrepreneur wannabe. Yosef has a vision to achieve freedom & control of T/P/O (Time, Place, Occurrence). He started his journey of investing in cash-flowing multifamily apartment as a tool to create passive income streams and to achieve generational wealth. Along this journey, Yosef would love to make changes in others’ lives and empower them to become better version of themselves, and to live their lives on their own terms.
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